Monday, January 27, 2014

who needs sleep... this guy does

the wind was whipping the house so damn hard last night/this morning, that i couldn't fall asleep for the life of me. maybe 4 hours tops. i've been trying to steal some sleep this afternoon, but no luck.

i did watch all of The Grammy's last night. i was a little surprised at how well Daft Punk did, but happy at the same time. the performance of the night was Kendrick Lamar and Imagine Dragons. that truly blew me the fuck away. i was a little disappointed with them cutting short the Nine Inch Nails, Queens of the Stone Age finale. but, a pissed off Trent Reznor is always a good thing.

the Sunday night shows were good. True Detective was brilliant once again. Shameless was also brilliant, loved the last few scenes. as for the other ones, i should have tried napping then.

i'll be interested in how the fans decide to shit all over Monday Night Raw tonight. from what i saw online, they weren't very pleased with the Royal Rumble last night. i completely understand their frustration. the unwillingness of the company to put guys that the fans actually want to see in the main events is beyond infuriating. usually, the next night is a mea culpa from the company or a giant middle finger. if i had to guess, i'm going with the HHH middle finger. which hopefully sets up the rumored Wrestlemania match of HHH vs. CM Punk. i could always go for another Summer of Punk.

the weather here has took yet another turn to cold as hell. i believe when i was out feeding the cats the windchill was somewhere around -18. sadly, the sun has been out for most of the day as well. looks like all the heaters will be on tonight as the low is supposed to be around -15. i suppose that would put the windchill around the oh fuck me it's too fucking cold to do math stage.

my mother should be returning tonight. hopefully the roads are better today. at least the lane still looks good out here on the farm.

that's all for me. i'll be on here tomorrow sometime either before or after the Manchester United game.

peace and chicken grease. if you don't hear from me, i have probably frozen to death. it's cold.


Imagine Dragons - Night Visions
Daft Punk - Random Access Memories

"You are remembered for the rules you break." - Douglas MacArthur

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