Thursday, September 5, 2024

well, there's a $1,000 i didn't expect to spend...

 i took a shower last night and my pain was at a level where i knew i needed to sleep in my massage chair with ice just about everywhere. i got close to 4 hours of sleep. ok, not bad. i got a few naps this morning before i had to go to the eye doctor. i let her know that i really haven't noticed much of a change with my eyes. well, the exam showed something different. there was enough of a change that she said i needed new glasses. oh joy. the woman working with me to find the new glasses was excellent. i told Emily my concerns with the ones i currently have and she brought back 6 different ones that fit me great. so, i tried them all and decided on two that fit the best that would be my new glasses and new sunglasses. the second pair would be 50% off, which i was happy about. so, after adding up everything and the co-pay for the exam and everything... $1,100.50. well, fuck me. the first thought i had while pulling out my credit card was i wonder how much i could get for a kidney. as i told my mother when i got back home, i believe i am at the point of life where i need to have the financial discussion of does it make more sense to live or die. i should have the new glasses in 2 weeks.

i also got a new phone case today. my old one was falling apart. thankfully, the new one is really simple and durable. and about $30 cheaper than the one i had before. joy.

the Yankees lost last night at Texas, 10-6. they are off tonight and start a series tomorrow at the Cubs. the Cubs by the way threw a combined no hitter last night. great.

Big Brother was good last night. i have no damn clue who gets evicted tonight.

AEW Dynamite was good last night. unfortunately, i have watched wrestling long enough that i saw the "arson" angle coming way before it actually happened.

enjoy some music:

and now some of this and that:

on the DVR tonight will be Big Brother and NJPW.

i will spend most of the evening probably watching the NFL game between the Chiefs and Ravens tonight.

i should be on here tomorrow when i get home from Menards. i need to make that trip so i can use some gift certificates and get the 11% rebate on everything. i'm sure the birds would love to have some suet to eat.

i need to go ice my back down and get ready to make dinner. i believe we will be having some pulled pork tonight. not sure if i'm doing sandwiches or maybe nachos with it. football food of course.

best of luck to everyone gambling tonight.

until tomorrow my friends...

fight the power.

fuck racism.

fuck hatred.

fuck war.

fuck the police.

black lives matter.

stay healthy.

wash your fucking hands.

stay off the fucking streets.

get the fucking shot.

Bueno, hay mil dólares que no esperaba gastar.

be well. be creative. be cool. be quick to send me CASH, panties, hate mail, love letters, broken promises and dirty pennies from heaven.

peace and chicken grease...


Sonny Gullage - Go Be Free

MJ Lenderman - She's Leaving You

TV on the Radio - Final Fantasy

Fantastic Negrito - Lost in a Crowd

Dr. Dog - Too Weak To Ramble (Live)

"All comedians are, in a way, anarchists. Our job is to make fun of the existing world." - Bob Newhart

and your whatever the fuck i wanted you to see video of the day:

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