Wednesday, March 13, 2013

hello apathy, welcome aboard

first, a quick flashback to Monday Night Raw. you know you have been watching pro wrestling too long when you're watching the Undertaker make his slow ass walk to the ring for the Paul Bearer memorial and your first thought is this would be a great place for CM Punk to get some heel heat. and when Punk does come out you can't help but think you'd certainly work cheaper than the ass clowns that are writing this currently. i certainly laughed at all the hatred CM Punk got after Monday. i suppose some people still think it's real. or some people just can't give a guy props for doing a great job. people are supposed to hate him. i don't think there's a better heel around these days. as for the rest of the show, other than the great wrestling between Dolph Ziggler and Daniel Bryan, i couldn't help but thank god The Voice comes back soon so i'll have something to flip to when i get bored. and a quick note to the WWE, no matter how hard you try, i couldn't give a shit that The Rock and John Cena are facing each other again.

this weather is slowly driving me nuts. i managed to get home today before a white-out quick snowstorm hit. of course, 10 minutes later and the sun was out. maybe the warmer weather will come sometime. maybe not.

in the middle of doing my laundry, i did a little shopping at i got my usual madness of music from a slew of genres. always nice when you can get 12 CD's and not pay anything for them.

i was really hoping The New York Rangers had turned the corner. but, after the boring ass defeat last night to Buffalo, i suppose that corner is still far away. i believe their coach summed up the night perfectly in his post game press conference.

i'll be watching the Dayton Flyers tomorrow against Butler. i don't think they have much of a chance. i wouldn't mind being wrong. the whole A10 tournament is pretty wide open. honestly, any of the 12 teams could win it and i wouldn't be completely shocked.

lastly, i did watch the new pope get elected today. i'm not a catholic but i do have a great appreciation for history. it was nice to see a bit of history made today. of course, i suppose time will tell if it actually means anything or not.

i will now go back to folding clothes and wondering if the temps will get above 40 anytime soon.

music today:

Shovels & Rope - O' Be Joyful
Futurebirds - Exhume
The Afghan Whigs - Gentlemen

"I'm sure I have a process, but it mostly takes place in my dreams." - William H. Macy

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