Tuesday, September 3, 2024

been a long day...

 for some damn reason, i was up at 6:30 this morning. i didn't want to be, i know that for sure. i had to get mom up at 9 so she would ready for her hair appointment this afternoon. i dropped her off there and went to the bank to make a deposit. after i did that, i went to Meijer to look for some baseball cards. my goal was to spend under $40. i got 4 packs and some NBA cards for $32. sadly, there wasn't much good in the packs. of course, that is the danger of buying retail. after that, i went back to where mom was getting her hair cut. she must have had around 6 inches cut off. i told her that should feel much better in this heat. once she paid, we went to Kroger, which is basically across the street. she had pills ready and so did i. i thought i was going to get a better discount on the Rybelsus. the first two times i got it, it was $74. this time, it was $237. as i told my mother, ah, capitalism. so, instead of $300 off like the first two times, this time was around $130. sadly, nothing surprises me anymore. this was mom's first time in Kroger since they had remodeled. i think she could tell i was being honest when i told her it would be sensory overload her first time in there. we went back home and i finally had some lunch; roughly 8 hours after i had breakfast. 

the Yankees won last night at Texas, 8-4. hopefully, they will do it again tonight.

Name That Tune was good last night.

Monday Night Raw was very good last night.

enjoy some music:

and now some of this and that:

on the DVR tonight will be NXT, Deadliest Catch and Hard Knocks.

i should be on here tomorrow after i get the grocery shopping done.

a big thank you to everyone for checking out my latest published poem:

i have no clue what i'm going to do for dinner tonight.

i need to go ice my back down.

until tomorrow kids...

fight the power.

fuck racism.

fuck hatred.

fuck war.

fuck the police.

black lives matter.

stay healthy.

wash your fucking hands.

stay off the fucking streets.

get the fucking shot.

Ha sido un día largo

be well. be creative. be cool. be quick to send me CASH, panties, hate mail, love letters, broken promises and dirty pennies from heaven.

peace and chicken grease...


Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood

The Pharcyde - Passin' Me By

Parker Woodland - Ladder at Your Window

Joe Cocker - When the Night Comes

Leonard Cohen - I'm Your Man (Live)

"The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper, and re-imagines the world." - Malcolm Gladwell

and your whatever the fuck i wanted you to see video of the day:

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