Sunday, August 9, 2015

time catches up to all of us

so i had one of my rare venture out into public and stay out after the street lights come on nights last night. the alumni soccer games were pretty good. it was nice seeing some faces i haven't seen since i graduated from high school. i joked at one point what this really is is the white high school reunion. seeing that i've never been invited to any of our high school reunions (other than day of), it seemed rather appropriate. the two guys that told me about the event and wanted to know if i was going of course didn't show up. they have kids and wives, so i imagine "life" came up. the night did spark some words in my head. i've got one damn line that i'm going to have to write out of my head as it kept me up most of the night. i might have a stanza so far, so i just need to sit down and pound it out. get your mind out of the gutter. i was here first.

sitting on those metal bleachers did my back no favors. i came home instead of going out with a group of people. i don't think many of the people going were drinkers, which i have to have to be in public anymore. there's the beauty of being fucked in the head my friends. good times.

enjoy some music people:

Power was excellent last night. another ending that blew my mind. next week is the season finale. that should be an interesting one.

ROH was great last night. all of the matches were excellent.

the New York Yankees lost again yesterday 6-0. the manager kept the starter in one batter too long. hoping for a double play, it turns into a grand slam. whoops. now the lead is down to 2 1/2. and when you hear people with the team start talking about the lead in the loss column, that's a sign of panic. Tanaka pitches today to try to avoid the sweep. i won't say today is a MUST win, but it's pretty damn close.

now enjoy some culture kids:

tonight on the DVR will be Big Brother, the season finale of True Detective, Ballers, The Brink, Last Week Tonight, The Strain, Ray Donovan and Masters of Sex. should be a very interesting night of television.

i figure i probably will watch all of that tonight or early in the morning. if my writing session starts a fire on the page, i may end up typing all night anyway. that is something i really wouldn't mind at the moment.

that's all for me today. was pleased to wake up from my morning nap to watch Arsenal lose. that certainly has started the day off on a good foot.

hope everyone has a great Sunday. may the drinks be cool and the bodies hot. unless you're into something the opposite, which is fine with me, i don't try to judge. it's not my job.

be well. be creative. be cool. be quick to send me CASH, panties, hate mail, love letters, broken promises and dirty pennies from heaven.

peace and chicken grease...


Glass Animals - Gooey
Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground
X Ambassadors & Jamie N Commons - Jungle
Butthole Surfers - Pepper
Beck - E-Pro

"They say eyes clear with age." - Philip Larkin

and your pro wrestling video of the day:

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