Friday, August 28, 2015

slogging through the pain

i've been achy all day long. but, there's shit to do, so, as usual, just ignore the fucking pain and move on. i'm sure one day this will catch up with me. but, luckily for me, i'm not interested in living forever.

i sent out 15 poems today. 5 to Horror Sleaze Trash, 4 to Hobo Camp Review and 3 each to Yellow Mama and Dead Snakes. when i hear back from these places i will pass along the verdict.

first up for Flashback Friday is my poem "beautiful devastation" from back in 2012. well, it was published then, but i'm pretty sure i wrote it back in 2010. you can find that poem by going here:

next up is my poem "longwinded". this is from back in 2005. this poem has Janne Karlsson animation written all over it. you can find the poem by going here:

and while we're on poetry, here's one from one of my favorites:

Big Brother went as i expected last night. John got evicted and then walked right back into the house. sadly though, Vanessa is the new HOH. but, there's another double eviction coming up so this could be their chance to finally get her out.

Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll was excellent last night. so was Married.

tonight on the DVR will be NJPW and Treehouse Masters. i will be watching the New York Yankees play down in Atlanta, at least until they start playing like shit and i find something else to watch.

and now some music:

and now some other random shit:

that's all for me today. i really hope everyone enjoys their weekends. call if you need bail money or help burying the bodies.

be well. be creative. be cool. be quick to send me CASH, panties, hate mail, love letters, broken promises and dirty pennies from heaven.

peace and chicken grease...


Blackberry Smoke - Good One Comin' on
Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood
Primus - Have A Cigar
Gary Jules - Mad World
J.D. McPherson - North Side Gal

"I think music should be scary. Music is an exorcism." - Florence Welch

and your pro wrestling video of the day:

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