Tuesday, August 27, 2024

i guess i still have it...

 if you have been a long time reader of this blog, you know my ebbs and flows when it comes to my writing. and just how often where i fret that i have lost "it", whatever the fuck it is. but, with the 3 poems that got published today, there has been some very kind words that came with them. i want to thank everyone for those. they mean way more than you could even understand...



the Yankees won last night at the Nationals, 5-2. hopefully, they will win again tonight.

Name That Tune was good last night.

Monday Night Raw was excellent last night.

enjoy some music:

and now some of this and that:

on the DVR tonight will be NXT, Deadliest Catch and Hard Knocks.

i guess Manchester United finally got their man...

i had to go to Kroger today to pick up some prescriptions. it is fucking hot as hell today. i guess the heat index is somewhere around 100. it hasn't been this hot in August here in 20 years. joy.

i should be on here tomorrow after i get the grocery shopping done.

until then kids...

fight the power.

fuck racism.

fuck hatred.

fuck war.

fuck the police.

black lives matter.

stay healthy.

wash your fucking hands.

stay off the fucking streets.

get the fucking shot.

Supongo que todavía lo tengo

be well. be creative. be cool. be quick to send me CASH, panties, hate mail, love letters, broken promises and dirty pennies from heaven.

peace and chicken grease...


Amadou & Mariam - Mogolu

Anna May - The Show

Tori Amos - Northern Lad

Guns N' Roses - Dust N' Bones

Don Henley - The Boys of Summer

"When you quiet your mind, you can enter a world of clarity, peace and understanding." 
                                                                                  - Alice Coltrane

and your whatever the fuck i wanted you to see video of the day:

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