Saturday, April 9, 2016

let the drinking begin

so i woke up this morning and was going to go out and get the paper. i opened the front door and holy shit, it fucking snowed overnight. and of course it had to be on the morning when i knew i had to go 4 or 5 different places. good times.

for National Poetry Month, i give you:

the New York Yankees lost yesterday 4-0. thankfully, they made up for it today winning 8-4. they can win the series with Detroit tomorrow night on ESPN.

much to my amazement, the New York Rangers defeated Detroit today 3-2. now, i wouldn't put it past the Islanders to lose both games so the Rangers have to face Pittsburgh in the playoffs. if the Islanders get 3 points or more out of their last 2 games, the Rangers will face Florida in the playoffs. Detroit backed into the playoffs because of that dumpster fire of a team up in Boston. hard to believe, but the playoffs are just a few days away.

mom and i decided not to go to the game up in Columbus tonight. between my arthritis and her exhaustion, i knew we would be miserable up there. plus, my sister is sick. thankfully she had a friend that could use the tickets.

mom and i took 5 boxes of shit to get shredded today. that gets 5 boxes out of the garage. eventually we might even have a second vehicle to put in there. after that, i had to take her to work. after that we got some lunch and then went to the grocery store. i might have a few poems about that, although they will probably be about holding a piss in the entire time in the store. good times.

NJPW was excellent last night. i'm really enjoying listening to Jim Ross call pro wrestling again.

VICE was very disturbing last night. the segment about women's rights in Afghanistan was very informing as much as it was maddening. i wonder what the world would be like if the Quran had a New Testament? it's painfully obvious that the only way the Middle East will ever change is if the youth decide to overthrow the governments and the religious zealots running things. and then comes the never ending task of changing the made up minds of millions of people. imagine a world where everyone was equal. talk about a fucking dream.

and on that cheery note, enjoy some music:

and now some of this and that:

on the DVR tonight will be Saturday Night Live and ROH.

i really enjoyed listening to the interview on Sam Roberts' Show with Jamey Jasta,
you can listen to it here:

well, that's all for me today. i'll be on here sometime after Manchester United plays tomorrow. hopefully i'll be in a good mood. now, it's time to go enjoy a couple victory beers.

i hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday night. call if you need bail money.

be well. be creative. be cool. be quick to send me CASH, panties, hate mail, love letters, broken promises and dirty pennies from heaven.

peace and chicken grease...


D'Angelo - Brown Sugar
Portishead - Glory Box
Vintage Trouble - Another Man's Words
Hippo Campus - Suicide Saturday

"To handle a language skillfully is to practice a kind of evocative sorcery." - Charles Baudelaire

and your whatever the fuck i wanted you to see video of the day:

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