Saturday, June 6, 2015

slowly losing my hatred for people

the more i get around people, the more i am able to stomach the situation. not that i am more accepting of ignorance or racism, i find myself less likely to simply write those dumb fucks off after a few seconds like before. now, i usually give them a minute or so. progress.

after following mom to return her rental car, we went to Applebee's for lunch. i haven't been to this restaurant in years. the menu was an obvious sign that it had been even longer than i thought. i wanted to get something that wouldn't blow up my stomach, so what better than pretzels, cheese, bacon, ham, turkey, bread and lemonade. i figure i'm doing my best to make sure i'm dead sometime in my 40's. i watched some of the USA soccer game while i was there, but they weren't playing well, so i didn't mind leaving when we did. more on that later.

we went to Menards after lunch. we found stuff for the birds and hopefully some pots that will work for the wildflowers i want to plant. sadly, i think we brought the wind from the farm out here with us. we also got a bird feeder for my uncle. of course, mom made me go over and give it to him while he was sitting out with the neighbors on the other side of his house. meeting new people is not a fun task for me. i did bite my tongue when i noticed the wife of Carl had two black eyes. i was proud of myself not making the obvious domestic violence joke right then and there. as i told my mother when i got home, i deserve sainthood after 25 minutes of listening to my aunt complain about her bad hips. mom, who hit her head while we were at the store, wasn't in the mood. that's always fun.

so after putting out the new flag, the new solar lights, a new hummingbird feeder and putting away the new birdseed, i decided to get online and check some scores. HOLY SHIT. how the fuck did the USA come back and win that game?

more on that after this music break:

when i saw the USA beat the Netherlands 4-3, i thought it was a joke. they were losing 3-1 when i left the restaurant. when i saw the goals that won it, i was really happy. that's the first win EVER over the Dutch. and it is only the 3rd time in 45 years that the team has come back to win after being down by 2 or more goals. talk about an unexpected victory beer. enjoy some goals:

i laughed when i saw that Bobby Wood scored the winner. when i was leaving the restaurant, i was telling mom that he has all the talent in the world but has no fucking clue how to put it together on the national stage. one of the few times where i enjoy being wrong. of course, i truly hope this wasn't simply a case of the sun shining on a dog's ass.

the New York Yankees broke out the long ball once again and entered the 9th inning last night leading 8-1. what happened next had me angrier than shit. the Angels batted around and had the game tying run at 3rd base when the Yankees finally got the last out. a 8-7 win that felt like a damn loss. that was a very angry victory beer.

that anger took a little while to leave me last night. thankfully, i had shit to watch on TV. NJPW was excellent last night. 2 very good tag team matches. i then watched VICE. easily, one of the best news shows around. i highly recommend that EVERYONE watches it.

today is going to be a busy one. i believe mom and i are going to the grocery store this morning. that should be fun. i say that with clenched fists. i'm hoping we're back home before the Champions League final between Juventus and Barcelona. as much as i would love to see Juventus win because of Patrice Evra, i can't imagine Messi not winning another title. after that, it will be time for the Belmont Stakes. i'm really hoping to see a Triple Crown winner this year. it's been too damn long since the last one (1978). i don't know if i'll watch Game 2 of the Stanley Cup Final after that or the Yankees play. late tonight it will be ROH and god knows what else is on as i'm trying to get to sleep.

if i manage to sneak in a nap sometime today, i fully expect to get some writing done late tonight.

whatever happens i'll be back on here tomorrow morning.

i hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday. hopefully the weather is good wherever you are. if you are watching the Champions League Final, enjoy the game. if you aren't watching the game, please understand that the rest of the ENTIRE world is, so enjoy your loneliness.

be well. be creative. be cool. be quick to send me CASH, panties, hate mail, love letters, broken promises and dirty pennies from heaven.

peace and chicken grease...


Drivin' N' Cryin' - Straight to Hell
Pulp - Common People (Full Length Version)
Will Hoge - When I Get My Wings
Matthew Sweet - Divine Intervention (Acoustic & Live)
Jason Isbell - 24 Frames

"Writing is my salvation. If I didn't write, what would I do?" - Maxine Kumin

and your pro wrestling video of the day:

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