Thursday, June 4, 2015

one step closer to being a hobo

well, i guess we did pretty good at the auction yesterday. mom called me and said we made around $5,000. i thought that was pretty good for all the junk that was there. i have no clue how much my truck went for. hopefully it's enough for me to make a nice big deposit at the bank soon.

my trip into humanity yesterday was sadly uneventful. i did get a good laugh at the grocery store. this woman bought 3 pies. no big deal. i then saw her in the parking lot getting into a catering van. either she's a shitty baker or she's fooling clients and charging them double. i'm sure there's a poem there somewhere.

speaking of that, i heard back from Stephanie at Eye to the Telescope. she enjoyed reading my work, but... and that's usually where i just stop reading. nothing good ever comes after but. needless to say, i have 5 poems back on the unpublished file. i was really hoping for this one as this place actually pays. what a concept.

a quick music break before we get to a ton of pro wrestling:

NXT was pretty damn good, as usual. the main event was easily the best part of the show:

ROH was the same episode from the weekend. if that is how the Wednesday show is going to be, at least i know i don't have to sweat it if i happen to miss the show on the weekend now.

TNA was pretty good. i haven't really watched much for the last few years, but at least last night was worth my time. i haven't always been able to say that:

Lucha Underground won the night for me. 3 very entertaining matches that really made the hour fly by. enjoy some highlights:

another music break to clean your pallet:

i got some good FREE music on NoiseTrade today. i'll provide some links below in the music section. check them out.

i greatly enjoyed the Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast today with Stone Cold Steve Austin. if you were a fan of the Attitude era, it's a very good listen.
check it out on, iTunes, Stitcher, or the right hand side of this blog.

Value City Furniture came and got the chair mom didn't want today. the guy picking it up looked a little stunned when i told him he was the one that forgot to load it on the truck in the first place. i tell ya, this full beard scares the shit out of some people.

mom will be home later tonight. hopefully she has a good drive home from Columbus.

i did happen to watch Brew Dogs last night. the season finale was excellent. i have always wanted to go to Cabo and never come back. god damn fair skin.

the Yankees got some great pitching from Tanaka yesterday, making his first start since April. they broke out the long ball and won 3-1. i'm sure the sweep made the flight back to New York a better one. they are off tonight and start a series at home with the Angels tomorrow.

i got some Coke at the store yesterday and had some rum and cokes instead of my victory beers. i figured i need to switch it up every now and then.

on the DVR tonight will be The Comedians. i will probably watch some of the NBA Finals that start tonight. most likely, i will stick to my ritual of only watching the last 5 minutes of the game.

a little comedy before i bid you adieu:

be well. be creative. be cool. be quick to send me CASH, panties, hate mail, love letters, broken promises and dirty pennies from heaven.

peace and chicken grease...


Good Old War - Good Old Sampler
The Filthy Souls - The Filthy Souls
Heather Maloney - Heather Maloney Sampler
Jimi Hendrix - Red House
Barbarian Overlords - The Harvester

"I've always had this impulse to be destructive." - Russell Brand

and your pro wrestling video of the day:

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