Tuesday, July 2, 2013

humidity, bad driving, shopping, and fried foods

mom decided she wanted to go out shopping today and asked if i wanted to tag along. i decided, seeing that i am apparently a glutton for punishment, to say yes.

we had to first turn in the rental car for her regular SUV, that was in the shop because it needed a new censor. once that was done, it was a trip to get her medicine, and then lunch. our normal sports bar we frequent every blue moon or so. then, a trip out to the bank and i'm starting to think i've been hoodwinked and there will be no shopping. but, after a quick trip home we were off to south of town. mom wanted to buy some new gym shoes for her upcoming vacation in a few days. i decided i was going to go a few doors down and do some used books and music shopping. what i really love about the place i went is they say hi and then leave you alone. if you need help, ask. if you don't, good. i did find some good music that i didn't have, all at decent prices. on the trip back home i noticed all these fucks on the road connected to cell phones, speeding, and basically not giving a shit about anything around them. i'm so happy i rarely drive anymore. i'd be too tempted to run those fucks off the road.

holy shit, the Yankees actually won last night, 10-4. most runs they have scored in like 6 weeks. that victory beer tasted so good last night. here's hoping i get another one tonight.

i'll be going between that, Deadliest Catch and Big Brother tonight. probably not so much on Big Brother as i read all the online blogs about the show and pretty much know what's going to happen.

the humidity has roughly been at 95% almost all day long. hopefully it rains tonight and provides some damn relief. i'm pretty damn sick of this rain, no relief, a little fog, sun comes out, thunderstorm, no relief, a little fog, sun heats up again, humidity at least 90% all the damn time, fucking cycle we're on. and honestly, there's no end in sight.

at least the corn looks like it has completely rebounded from the drought from last year.

there's your example of making chicken salad from chicken shit.

hope everyone has a good one.

music today:

Van Morrison - Astral Weeks
PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love
Neil Young with Crazy Horse - Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere

"When you're not concerned with succeeding, you can work with complete freedom." - Larry David

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