Wednesday, November 22, 2023

a date that will always be remembered...

 i remember growing up and i think it was Don Henley that said when Kennedy got assassinated, that was the day the innocence of America died. and i suppose in the grand scheme of things, he probably is right. hard to think that was 60 years ago. and hard to believe the government hasn't released all the shit they still have confidential. and they wonder why people have conspiracy theories. 

i didn't get to bed until 5:30 AM this morning. i swear, there aren't enough hours in the day for me to get done everything i need to do on certain days. by the time i got the poems typed up last night and got the dishes done, i barely had enough energy left to masturbate myself to sleep. thankfully, my shower this afternoon woke me the fuck up.

and i give Kroger credit. they had every checkout lane open and every lane had a bagger. even though it was crowded as fuck, it didn't take nearly as long as i was expecting.

NXT was very good last night.

Inside the NFL was good last night.

Name That Tune was a rerun last night.

The Voice was very good last night.

Hard Knocks last night was excellent.

enjoy some music:

and now some of this and that:

on the DVR tonight will be AEW Dynamite.

the New York Rangers play at Pittsburgh tonight. hopefully, they will find a way to win.

i'm sure i will watch some college basketball tonight as well.

if you are traveling, please be safe and patient. most of all, i hope everyone gets to enjoy their Thanksgiving tomorrow.

i should be on here tomorrow in the morning, before all the football games get going.

i need to go make dinner.

until tomorrow kids...

fight the power.

fuck racism.

fuck hatred.

fuck war.

fuck the police.

black lives matter.

stay healthy.

wash your fucking hands.

stay off the fucking streets.

get the fucking shot.

una fecha para recordar

be well. be creative. be cool. be quick to send me CASH, panties, hate mail, love letters, broken promises and dirty pennies from heaven.

peace and chicken grease...


Guns N' Roses - November Rain

Concrete Blonde - Tomorrow, Wendy

Marketa Irglova - Happy

Colin Bracewell - Julia

Autogramm - WannaBe

"I could tell my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio." - Rodney Dangerfield

and your whatever the fuck i wanted you to see video of the day:

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